6 Simple Ways To Attract Attention To Your Online Business

6 Simple Ways To Attract Attention To Your Online Business

The year of 2020 saw 2 billion people purchase their goods and services online. Consumers are shifting their attention away from physical stores, putting your online business at the forefront of modern retail.

Naturally, you may wonder how can you beat the competition and make your online business stand out from the crowd?

Let’s find out.

6 ways to attract attention to your online business

In 2021, consumers spent US$4.9 trillion on online sales. To get your slice of the pie, you have to constantly improve your business. The following tips will draw the most traffic to your online store.

Optimize your business website

In the modern age, landing and service pages sell a business. In fact, your website is your entire public impression. Optimizing your site is a no-brainer to keep users on your site for longer.

The list of website modifications is endless, the most important being:

  • Make sure your site is responsive, good-looking, and easy to navigate.
  • Prioritize mobile-friendly design (most traffic these days is through smartphones).
  • A fast website retains the user’s attention for longer.

Google analyzed the link between page speeds and bounce rate (amount of users who click away). They found bounce increased by 90% when loading times took up to five seconds. The slower your site, the more likely it is that a user will abandon the page.

Learn and apply SEO techniques

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is used to rank web pages higher on search engine results. Adopting at least some of these techniques is essential for a modern online business.

Invest in SEO audits by freelancers or agencies. Alternatively, structure your posts and pages with SEO in mind. Keywords are powerful when used right, so study up. No one will pay for your services if they simply can’t find them.

Upgrade your cybersecurity

The internet landscape has almost always had its dangers. Luckily these days, we have more cybersecurity tools at our disposal than ever before. As you browse and carry out business operations exclusively online, cybersecurity is key.

Often you might work on a public connection or simply check work emails on your local cafe’s free Wi-Fi. This is where installing a VPN becomes a safety net. A Virtual Private Network (VPN) will keep your sensitive business data hidden from intruders.

Post and share on social media regularly

Like it or not, it’s here to stay. Now more than ever, social media is an asset for an online business. It’s also an easy way to draw traffic to your site while you’re still climbing the ranks on Google.

Share promotions, updates, or thoughts across all platforms. Regular interaction with followers increases trust in your brand and humanizes your business. Rather than with a faceless corporation, consumers prefer to spend their money with someone they know.

Create promotions and giveaways for the holidays

Despite the pandemic, end-of-year holiday sales grew 8.3% in 2020, according to the National Retail Foundation. It’s no wonder big brands jump on the chance to promote their products during holidays.

Whether it’s Easter or National Pancake Day, take the opportunity to celebrate with sales, giveaways, and promotions. Regular holiday promotions grow your reputation with your consumer base, increasing the chances they’ll come to you again.

Become an active voice in your community

Whatever your niche or service, there’s a community out there for you. Being active in your own community builds trust and name recognition with possible customers.

There are a few ways you can do this:

  • Participate in or host online or public events.
  • Share and comment on posts by leaders in your niche.
  • Become an expert in your niche.


As an online business owner, strive to become a regular voice in your community. Consumers trust a face they know, so get yours out there.


Modern business is online – the stakes are high and the competition is ceaseless. You can still stand out from the masses of copycat online businesses. Just make some simple but targeted changes, and your online business will float above a sea of competitors.

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