Top 24 Chrome Extensions for Developers

Chrome Extensions for Developers

By using Chrome extensions, developers can significantly increase their productivity and efficiency. The top Chrome extensions for developers, including code editing, debugging, and performance optimization, will be covered in this post. For developers, these enhancements can make the development process faster and easier, increasing productivity and enjoyment of their work. Now, let’s begin!

Top Chrome Extensions for Developers

By including new features and functionalities, extensions enhance the performance of your web browser. Due to the fact that many of these incredibly helpful tools are free, browser addons also help web developers save time and money. Now, let’s look at a few Chrome extensions that can be of great use to you.

1) EditThisCookie

Cookies that websites store in users’ browsers can be viewed and edited with EditThisCookie.

  • With EditThisCookie, users can exchange cookies with other users, import cookies, and export cookies to files.
  • Manage and edit cookies in the Chrome browser using EditThisCookie, a useful tool for web developers, testers, and anybody else who wants more control over their online privacy and surfing experience.
  • This may be useful for evaluating the functionality of websites, managing user privacy preferences and troubleshooting technical issues with websites.

2) Window Resizer

When testing websites and web apps across various screen sizes and resolutions, web developers can save time and effort by using Window Resizer, a helpful Chrome plugin, instead of switching between devices or complicated testing tools.

  • For web designers and developers who need to test how their websites and web apps appear on various screen sizes and resolutions, this is a helpful tool.
  • With Window Resizer, you can quickly resize your browser window to custom sizes or standard screen widths such as 800×600, 1024×768, and 1280×800.
  • It helps you see a preview of how your website or online application will look on different desktop and mobile devices, such as tablets, smartphones, and laptops.
  • This can be used to assess responsive layout and design, as well as the way a web application or website responds to window size variations.

3) GitZip for github

With the GitZip Chrome plugin, you may extract files and folders from a GitHub repository without cloning or downloading the complete repository.

  • With GitZip, you can select the exact files and folders you want to download and then create a zip file containing only those files and folders.
  • The addon has a button that allows you to select which files and directories to download from the GitHub window.
  • GitZip can be useful if you need to download specific files or directories from a GitHub repository but don’t want to download the entire repository.
  • This approach can save time and bandwidth, especially if the repository is large.

4) uBlock Origin

The best ad-blocking Chrome extension for developers is uBlock Origin, an open-source tool that works with Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and other web browsers.

  • The plugin improves your online experience by blocking pop-ups, ads, trackers and malware.
  • It can be set up to either allow or prohibit non-offensive advertisements on particular websites. Gets dimly lit.
  • With uBlock Origin’s advanced features, you can block certain scripts from running, allow or block websites and protect yourself from tracking that violates your privacy.
  • It is known for being incredibly efficient, lightweight, and resource-friendly.

5) Octotree

An addon called Octotree was created specifically for GitHub users. It is considered the best Chrome plugin for web developers.

  • With the tree-style file browser it provides for GitHub repositories, users can quickly navigate through a repository’s files and directories.
  • In the GitHub interface, the extension adds a viewable and nearby sidebar.
  • With Octotory, users can read file names and extensions, quickly navigate to individual files within a repository, and expand and collapse directories as well as subdirectories.
  • The plugin also supports keyboard shortcuts for faster browsing.

6) Dark Reader

You may see and browse online sites in low light with Dark Reader, a useful program for people who prefer a darker color scheme. It is considered the best Chrome plugin for web developers.

  • For devices with OLED displays, using a computer or other device in a dark environment can reduce eye strain and prolong battery life.
  • With the Dark Reader application, you can select which websites the dark mode applies to and which it ignores, as well as change the contrast and brightness of the mode.
  • Among other things, you can change the typeface, add specific styles, and design unique color schemes.

7) Grammarly

You can actually write better with the help of the leading writing tool, Grammarly. It is considered the best Chrome addon for web developers. The Grammarly Chrome extension is available for free download and installation on your Chrome browser.

  • The plugin instantly scans your writing to edit your language, spelling, grammar and style.
  • This can help you spot common mistakes, such as problems with sentence structure, word choice, and subject-verb agreement.
  • The Grammarly app is compatible with multiple websites, including Gmail, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
  • After installation, the application will automatically identify any errors in your writing and provide editing suggestions.
  • Grammarly provides both a free and a premium version, with the latter including more sophisticated features like a plagiarism checker, recommendations for improving vocabulary, and more in-depth written comments.

8) Clear Cache

A Chrome addon called Clear Cache makes clearing your browser’s cache quick and easy. A cache is a temporary storage space on your computer used to hold files and data that your web browser frequently accesses to load a page. As old or invalid data accumulates in the cache, it can cause problems such as slow page loading and errors when trying to access certain websites. You can solve these problems by deleting cookies.

  • It offers the option to delete various temporary files or delete surfing history.
  • This helps maintain browsing flow and protects against problems caused by a cluttered cache.

9) WhatFont

The WhatFont Web Developer extension for Chrome makes it easy for users to identify typefaces used on websites.

  • After installing the extension, you can use it to lengthen the word you want to identify from a website by clicking the icon in the Chrome toolbar.
  • Next, the utility will display the font color, style, line height, family, and size.
  • The WhatFont addon is useful for typography, especially web designers and programmers.
  • By quickly recognizing the fonts used on a web page, designers can more easily replicate comparable designs or ensure their designs are consistent with the originals.

10) WebPageTest

You can evaluate a website’s performance with your Google Chrome browser by using the Webpage Chrome plugin.

  • The WebPageTest API, a free and open-source program for assessing website performance, serves as the foundation for the plugin.
  • Use the WebPageTest Chrome extension to quickly and easily evaluate the speed of any website you visit.
  • The speed metrics for a deeply broken page by extension are first byte, time to start rendering, and time to fully load.
  • You are able to modify several test settings with the extension.
  • It’s also possible to run multiple tests back-to-back and compare the results side-by-side to identify any changes in your website’s functionality over time.

11) Selenium IDE

The best Chrome plugin for developers right now is Selenium IDE, which records and replays online browser interactions through automated browsers.

  • The Google Chrome web browser has a plugin called the Selenium IDE Chrome Extension.
  • Web browser actions such as clicking buttons, filling out forms, and website navigation can be recorded and replayed by users.
  • The plugin offers an easy-to-use interface for creating automated tests for web applications.
  • Users have the option to export their tests to multiple programming languages, including Python, C#, Ruby, and Java.

12) YSlow

YSlow analyzes web pages and makes suggestions to improve their speed.

  • With slow page load times affecting both user experience and search engine results, YSlow strives to help website owners and developers identify and resolve these issues.
  • YSlow looks at a number of web page characteristics, including the number of HTTP requests, cache settings, and sizes of CSS and JavaScript files.
  • It assigns a rating to each element of the website and provides thorough recommendations on how to improve its overall performance.
  • Developers can use YSlow’s waterfall chart, which shows the order in which website elements load, to identify bottlenecks and speed up loading times.

13) Loom

Thanks to the Loom Chrome extension, users can easily record and share videos.

  • With Loom, users can record either their webcam their screen, or both and share the video with others via a link.
  • This extension is widely used by academics, professionals and teams to improve communication with remote colleagues or students.

14) BrowserStack

BrowserStack is the first practical Chrome extension for developers to be added to the list so far. It is popular for providing quick desktop or mobile website testing. It saves you time when switching between tabs in your browser and offers setup for up to 12 browsers. However, you must have a BrowserStack account to use it, which is one of the biggest extensions.


  • Helps in quick review of changes.
  • Supports testing across browsers.
  • Users are able to test website behavior under actual user conditions.
  • You are able to file bugs instantly with BrowserStack.

15) LT Debug

The LT Debug Chrome addon was created to help web developers test and debug their online applications. It is considered the best Chrome plugin for web developers.

  • A number of tools are available in this extension to test, diagnose, and identify problems with network performance.
  • For web developers who want to improve the reliability and performance of their online applications, LT Debug is a useful tool.
  • The ability to record and analyze network traffic, including HTTP requests and responses, as well as WebSocket activity, is one of LT Debug’s key capabilities.
  • The plugin can track slow-loading resources, monitor page load times, and evaluate JavaScript performance to help find bottlenecks in code execution.
  • When testing authentication or other session-related features, developers may find it useful to access cookies, local storage, and session storage through extensions.

16) ColorZilla

One of the biggest Chrome extensions for developers is ColorZilla, which can instantly find the color code of any pixel on a website.

  • It can be useful for web designers, graphic designers, and anyone else working with color on the web.
  • With a variety of color choices and endpoints, users can create linear and radial gradients with ColorZilla’s gradient generator tool.
  • ColorZilla is a helpful extension for everyone who works with color on the web and wants a quick and simple way to obtain color codes and generate gradients.
  • Using the Eyedropper tool, ColorZilla can select a pixel on a web page and retrieve its color code in HEX, RGB, and HSL formats.
  • The program also comes with a color picker tool that lets users select colors from a palette and adjust their hue, saturation, and brightness.

17) JSONView

For developers who want to view JSON documents in a more understandable way in the browser, there is a Chrome addon called JSONView. It is listed among the top Chrome extensions designed for developers.

  • Data interaction between a server and an online application is typically done using the lightweight data-sharing format JSON (JavaScript Object Notation).
    For JSON documents, JSONView highlights the syntax, which makes it easy to identify key-value pairs and other JSON data elements.
  • You can also use the extension to validate JSON data with the help of the JSONLint service, which checks the syntax of a JSON document for errors and generates useful error messages, if any.
  • The addon detects when a web page contains JSON data automatically. To view the data, you can expand and collapse the collapsible tree structure that contains the formatted data.
  • Without line breaks or indentation, JSON data is typically provided in a compact format that can be difficult to read and understand.
  • By installing the JSONView extension, you can view JSON documents in a more organized and logical manner, which facilitates understanding of the data they contain.

18) Requestly

Requestly is an additional Chrome web developer extension that allows you to edit HTTP(S) requests and responses.

  • It can be used for a variety of purposes, including testing, debugging, and building websites.
  • Requestly allows you to create rules that change requests and responses based on predefined conditions. It is listed among the top Chrome extensions designed for developers.
  • You can change headers, add or remove query parameters, redirect URLs to an alternate website, or even add custom CSS or JavaScript code.
  • Requestly allows you to simulate different network conditions, such as latency or bandwidth limitations, so you can evaluate how well your web service performs in different scenarios.

19) WAVE

The next greatest Chrome extension for developers is called Wave, and it offers a number of productivity tools that enhance communication and teamwork.

  • With the Wave Chrome extension, users may access and utilize the Wave toolkit directly from their browser on Google Chrome.
  • During a video conversation, users can share their screen with others thanks to its screen-sharing feature.
  • It has a task management application that facilitates job management and team organization.
  • Wave is a program that allows team members to collaborate and share files in real time.
  • a video conference solution that lets customers communicate electronically with other members of their organization.

20) Clear Session

A well-liked Chrome plugin for developers, Clear Session quickly deletes browser session information with a single click. It is listed among the top Chrome extensions designed for developers.

  • This addon has the ability to delete cookies, cache, browsing history, and any other data your browser maintains.
  • You occasionally want to remove your browser session data for privacy reasons or want to start over without previously saved data. The removal session makes this quick and easy to accomplish.
  • You have the option to remove specific websites or only specific types of data from the cleaning process.

21) VisBug

VisBug is a very valuable and easy-to-use tool that can help anyone improve their web design skills and create more visually appealing and functional websites. This Chrome Web Developer plugin was created by Google engineer Adam Argyle to help everyone better appreciate and approach web design.

  • VisBug can edit and modify web pages graphically.
  • This tool has several functions, such as the ability to resize and move elements, change the font and color scheme, add borders and shadows, and even modify the HTML structure of a website.
  • VisBug also includes a robust inspection tool that enables users to examine and assess the structure of a web page, including the accessibility features, CSS styles, and DOM hierarchy.
  • Without knowing HTML or CSS code, VisBug users may quickly alter the typography, colors, graphics, and layout of any webpage.

22) Grepper

Grepper is a tool that helps developers reuse code in their projects so they can quickly retrieve code snippets and patterns without having to re-find them. It is listed among the top Chrome extensions designed for developers.

  • Grepper is a program that makes it easy for software engineers to store and retrieve code snippets, helping them remember and use them more efficiently.
  • By doing this, developers can focus on their work without wasting time or mental energy searching for code samples.

23) Broken Link Checker

Webmasters and website owners can detect broken links on their pages with the help of the Broken Link Checker plugin.

  • Broken links show a 404 error message and lead to non-existent websites.
  • The addon can display the broken links on the screen and help the website owner find and fix them.
  • In order to optimize their website’s user experience and search engine ranking, website owners can use the Broken Link Checker Chrome extension to verify links faster and more thoroughly.

24) CSS Peeper

One of the greatest Chrome extensions for developers is CSS Peeper, which allows you to inspect the CSS styles used on any website.

  • Its purpose is to make it easy for programmers and designers to extract useful information about a website’s layout and color schemes, typeface styles, and positioning.
  • With CSS Peeper, you can also get a complete style guide for any website, including every CSS style used on that page.
  • This might be a helpful tool for developers who need to make CSS modifications to a website or for designers who want to learn more about website design.
  • CSS Peeper is a helpful tool for anyone interested in web design and development.
  • Having rapid access to crucial CSS data can help you save time and streamline your process.
  • With CSS Peeper, you can easily learn more about any CSS element by hovering your mouse over a web page.


Once the video has been recorded, it can be shared immediately with others by copying and pasting the link, or it can be shared instantaneously using the Loom extension. We sincerely hope you found our compilation of the top Chrome extensions for developers helpful. Kindly email us with any inquiries or recommendations using the space provided for comments below. Tell us anything you would like to know about the next step.

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