
10 Top LinkedIn InMail Templates for Recruiters

LinkedIn Email Templates

LinkedIn is a great place to post job openings and inform your professional network about them. Recruiters have the advantage of actively pursuing relevant people, even if you are not connected. But you shouldn’t just wait for recruiters to contact you. Instead, take the initiative and reach out directly to recruiters using LinkedIn InMail Templates to express your interest in new opportunities or a specific role at their company. The top LinkedIn InMail Templates for recruiters are covered in this post, which will help you craft messages that set yourself apart from the countless other Emails sent out by people with similar backgrounds.

Lets dive into LinkedIn InMail Templates;

Best LinkedIn InMail Templates for Recruiters in 2024

Email has the same body text and subject line as an email. They should be clear, targeted, precise, and concise. However, keep in mind that long passages of text tend to get boring, and readers are more inclined to stop reading them. Here are a few samples to help you design the perfect email.

1) For Marketing Professionals

As a marketing professional, use this great LinkedIn InMail Templates for recruiters.

2) For Project Managers

If you are a project manager looking for a LinkedIn InMail Templates for recruiters, take a look at the example provided below.

3) For Referral Request

To send a polished email for a reference request, use the sample template provided below.

4) For Business Roles

To send a polished Email for a specific business position, you can use the template provided below.

5) For Software Engineers

If you’re a software engineer, you can follow this example of a concise and polished InMail.

How to Use Recruitment Email Templates

Now you know why each template is used the way it is. Here’s a guide to help you understand how to use these Email templates to use LinkedIn to promote yourself and your business and attract potential prospects:

1) Invitation to Schedule an Interview

Use this if you want to invite a prospective employee to come in for an interview.

2) For Confirming Interest

If you want to make sure a prospect is interested, you can follow this example of a short and polished email.

3) Reaching Active Candidates

If you want to contact potential applicants, this is one of the best LinkedIn InMail Templates for recruiters.

4) Reaching Passive Candidates

Looking for passive applicants for your business? Use this template from LinkedIn.


5) Invitation for Job Opportunity

If you want to extend an invitation with a government job offer, you can send a message to a candidate on LinkedIn with the following message:


With this article, we hope you have a thorough understanding of the best customized LinkedIn InMail Templates for recruiters. Each template is unique and designed with a specific goal in mind to help you expand your reach. Please let us know what works best for you, and don’t hesitate to ask any questions or leave a comment below.

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