It won’t be an exaggeration to say that SEO services have become an essential part of any marketing strategy. Small business owners are understanding the advantages of having a website as long gone are the days where your product used to sell on its own. Now small businesses rely on the visibility of Google.
To achieve an online presence, you need search engine optimization.
But why? You may ask.
To answer this let take yourself as an example, how many times you select the result that appears on the top rank while searching for some phrase on Google? According to AOL’s search engine logs, the first ranking position in the search results receives 42.25% of all click-through traffic, the second position receives 11.94%, the third position on the first page obtains 8.47%, and 89.71% of all click-through traffic are from the first ten results on page one!
SEO and small businesses go hand-in-hand. SEO helps small business owners create quick, robust, and easy-to-use websites that rank higher in search engines, this, in turn, helps to attract more qualified potential customers to their sites and ultimately raises conversion rates.
As a small business owner, you should use SEO to build a strong web presence and get around your contests to get new clients for your business and advance to the next level. Let’s take a look at the top 8 benefits of SEO for small businesses.
The beauty of SEO is that everyone can do it and it’s more accessible than you would think. Instead of paying for traditional print advertising or commissioned publication, take the time and effort to understand the basis for reference, and maybe invest in a couple of tools, can boost the long-term value of your business. If you are not sure you can manage it on your own, you can choose to work with an SEO marketing agency like Sure Oak, that provides customized strategies for your specific needs and goals for long-term growth. Here are some reasons why you should think about leveraging organic research for your business.
According to Brightedge, 53.3% of all web traffic comes from organic search and 60% of marketers claim that their top-quality prospects come from SEO-engaged clients. This is because they are in search of a solution, and being one of the best results, you meet their needs.
Ranking on the top page of Google is required to be seen by customers. Climbing to the upper position can nearly double your click-through rate on place number two. And claiming a featured snippet can help you leap over spot number one while potentially adding a second way for clients to click on your website.
The volume is there and by filing for specific search terms, you will attract good customers. And by putting your website on the first page, you make your brand very visible and show that you are a trusted resource.
Hitting the home page, and reclaiming the number one in a search result is completely relying on the authority you are building. You may have the best answer or resource available, but without a quality experience to users, once they click on your site, you will have a very hard time bringing them to it.
That’s why technical SEO elements, such as page speed, backlinks, and other authoritative reinforcement elements are so crucial to the success of your online business. Playing with search engine rules forces you to keep your site in state-of-the-art shape and makes maintaining your health a constant priority.
The advantage for you is that it will not only help you to better rank and hence get more exposure. It will also be easier for clients to trust you depending on the functionality of your website. Having quick pages, security measures, and automated customer service portals are just some ways to do it.
Speaking of your web experience, one basic element of referencing that continues to grow in need is to optimize the user experience. Google prioritizes the user experience as a ranking factor in 2021 and will leverage its new basic vital web settings alongside previous factors like the page speed to assist in determining whether or not you are providing valuable interaction. Feature clips and other research elements also benefit from this idea, drawing responses, images, and other valuable information from the search page itself.
For companies, this just means that you need to focus on your clients’ needs. By giving priority to your customer’s needs first, you have a better chance of ranking yourself, keeping them on your site, and converting them. The more often this happens, the more authority your site will have and the more people you will attract.
A tangential element besides converting users into customers when you improve your rankings is general brand awareness. Just by getting to the first page and climbing closer and closer to the first place, the more you’re going to generate. Even if they don’t click on your site, just by being there, prospects will begin to associate your brand with these solutions.
This is particularly important if you compete for specific research terms with other companies. You want to be at the forefront when people enter questions or directly research the product or service you provide. And if your competitors possess this research, most likely these organic sales will go to them.
Like anything linked to the operation of an enterprise, SEO changes all the time. Search engines are refreshed, different factors become important and other companies are working on their strategies for ranking. This means that to run SEO successfully, you need to keep up to date with best practices, solutions, and changes.
Although it may seem more work, it’s an advantage for your business as it keeps you informed about online processes. SEO is directly linked to digital technology, which means that much of what’s going on with it, can help you understand online trends and proactively address any major changes. Also, through your research and site updates, you can learn more about your customers, competitors, and the overall digital experience.
Now, let’s be honest, you won’t be able to stay up to date with anything and there’s no need to get crazy trying. Just stay tuned, take note of any significant changes, and stay focused on your vertical industry. Doing so many things can keep you on the straight and narrow.
Perhaps one of the best things about search engine optimization is that it can be relatively inexpensive to implement. Of course, you can hire a specialist or bring an SEO-focused role into your business, but for starters, you can learn and implement a lot of that yourself. And apart from the cost of hiring a person, purchasing a few subscriptions, or spending your time, real implementation costs nothing.
Also, investing in referencing is a long-term benefit for your company. Yes, things change all the time, but the core processes and strategies associated with referencing should be for years to come and may only require minor changes. When done properly, it can be one of the best long-standing marketing solutions for your company that offers a continuous ROI.
One element of traditional marketing which is usually frustrating is how vague your ROI can be. Billboards have a mean number of views depending on the traffic patterns. The advertisements evaluate the global views according to the evaluation systems. But SEO is completely quantifiable and can easily link to any paid numerical strategies as well.
Now it will not be as simple as paid ads and you will need to connect certain points on the back end of your website to understand how your organic traffic results in sales. But, with some knowledge of Google Analytics, you can easily configure different traceable conversions based on website ad clicks, page views, completed commands, click to call, etc.
When it comes to optimizing your SEO efforts, you can use tools such as Google Search Console to get a better sense of how people find you, what is your rank, and your place for improvement. You will even be able to take deep dives into the health of your site here, which is again a critical part of user engagement.
SEO accounts for a great deal of a site’s traffic, which means there may be more conversions. Whether you would like to make a purchase from visitors to your website, subscribe to your newsletter, or share your content on their social networks,
SEO sets the stage for all of this. SEO is highly quantifiable – Google Analytics can give you unmatched insight into every little step you take and tell you what works and what doesn’t. Since small business SEO services are cheaper than other digital marketing methods and attract the most footfall website, its return on investment is also significant.
You may have the most amazing range of products or services, but it is useless if people do not know or discover you online. So, you can always start working on the SEO of your site by following some basic hygiene measures of the site, it can be a good idea to get professional help, particularly if your business is growing rapidly.
However, it is always good to stay aware and be capable of interpreting SEO growth reports and sizing if your research or referencing marketing team does a good job. And that’s where following our blog about all this research marketing will come in handy!
Kshitij is a digital marketer and owner of Dintellects Solutions. With more than 10 years of experience in the digital marketing industry, he is passionate about learning new things and updating management and marketing skills to help businesses achieve great results through digital marketing.